Seasoned Academic and Business Professional
About Me
Using AI to Enhance Learning
Learning English is an important life skill that produces many professional and personal benefits throughout a person’s life. However, many people struggle to develop higher level English proficiency.
In a recent high school program in Hanoi, more than 200 students studied with Dr. Brad and MYENGLISHGYM. The average student improved by more than one grade level on the curriculum of Native-English speaking countries. This relates to a 200% improvement in their English skills when compared to students who were studying in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, or the United States.
Learning Lab
People who choose to study with Dr. Brad are not only learn in traditional and non-traditional environments; they are participating in a learning lab. During the training process, Dr. Brad can evaluate an individuals strengths and weaknesses. This information is then fed back into the teaching process to help the individual overcome weaknesses that prevent them from developing higher level abilities.
My Clients
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